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Wooden Spoon Herbs Sparkling Apple Spritz

Wooden Spoon Herbs Fire Cider Apple Spritz

Happy Spring! While the April blossoms are at their peak, we wanted to create something tart, sweet, and a little spicy to get us prepared for the changing of the seasons. A drink that will lift your spirits and support your digestion as the weather begins to warm. Enter the Sparkling Apple Spritz, starring Wooden Spoon Herbs Fire Cider, Rose-Colored Glasses and Mushroom Magic tinctures. This tonic is the perfect afternoon pick-me-up, and an ideal companion for a midday stroll as you take in the local flora, enlivened by the promise of sunny days ahead.


Wooden Spoon Herbs Fire Cider
Wooden Spoon Rose-Colored Glasses tincture
Wooden Spoon Herbs Mushroom Magic tincture
Sparkling Water


Grab your favorite glass and fill it with ice.
Pour in sparkling water.
Add 1-2 tsp of Fire Cider
+ 35 drops (1 dropperful) of Rose-Colored Glasses
+ 35 drops of Mushroom Magic
Stir and sip in bliss!