The 8 Ball: Daniel Nikolov and Martin Švach of Kintsugi Perfumes

"We believe that our perfumes are like radiant gold dust you can apply every day, allowing you to show the world who you are—embracing all the pieces that make you whole."
Join us in conversation with Daniel Nikolov and Martin Švach, Founders of Kintsugi Perfumes.
Please tell us about the name Kintsugi and how your perfume is tied to the Japanese art of Kintsugi.
Kintsugi, translated as “golden joinery,” is an ancient technique for repairing pottery. Once upon a time in Japan, it was believed that it was a shame to get rid of broken ceramics, so master artisans used gold powder to glue them together. In doing so, they breathed new life into broken objects and celebrated their imperfection. The broken was healed.
Over time, this art also became a philosophy of life, serving as a metaphor for accepting our shortcomings. It’s an opportunity to see our imperfections as gifts, not something to hide from. We believe that our perfumes are like radiant gold dust you can apply every day, allowing you to show the world who you are—embracing all the pieces that make you whole.
How did you become perfumers?
As someone once said, someday, life will find you, just as it finds all of us in the end. It happened to me years ago when I ordered a bunch of perfumery ingredients out of curiosity. That’s when the journey began, and I’ve never left my lab since.

What was the first perfume you created?
Can I even call it a perfume? The beginnings were cute. My first commercial fragrance was Deus. To me, it becomes a perfume when I manage to harmonize all the ingredients so they blend seamlessly, carrying a story or central theme that resonates with the wearer.
How do you start a new perfume? How do you begin?
With a story in my head, I visualize it and live with it for several days and weeks. This helps me develop the spine of the perfume. Then, I tune it for several months into perfection, never forgetting the story behind it.

Ambergris is a waxy substance that originates in the intestines of sperm whales. It is believed to form from the digestion of squid beaks and other hard materials. When expelled by the whale, the smell is quite unpleasant. However, after floating on the ocean's surface for years, it undergoes a transformation due to sun and saltwater exposure. Over time, it solidifies and develops a unique aroma. Isn't it beautiful? Things just take time. Interestingly, in the past, ambergris was sometimes used as a flavoring agent in high-end dishes and desserts, with its complex aroma and flavor profile thought to enhance certain foods. Today, synthetic alternatives are used, which can be equally beautiful and even more powerful.
Can you talk to us about the importance of head, heart, and base composition? Does one come through more than the others?
Each ingredient is made up of molecules, which vary in size and weight. The smaller molecules evaporate more quickly, such as those found in citrus oils and spices. The medium-sized molecules, usually floral notes, form the heart of the perfume and typically evaporate within up to three hours. The largest molecules include woods, musks, and resins. Some of these act as excellent fixatives, helping the smaller molecules linger longer. Perfumes generally contain between 30 to 80 ingredients, and it’s up to the perfumer or perfume house to determine which ingredients are showcased in the fragrance pyramid.
We appreciate that your scents are unisex. Which scent do you find yourself wearing the most?
It's always the next one.
Lastly, can you talk to us about your newest scent?
It's set to launch at the end of October (2024), and it will be our first extrait. It’s very diffusive yet not overwhelming. Imagine being in a world so beautiful and complex that you don’t know what to admire first. Whatever you see evokes such warm emotions that you feel hugged, loved, and safe. Each of us has a different vision of this world, and I wish for you to be drawn right into it. We can't wait for you to try it.